About Salem

Who Visited His Aunt and Never Returned

Wednesday, August 30, 2023
About Salem

Salem Mohammed Saeed Remy (15 years old), a resident of Al-Mahall Village, Hays District, Hodeidah Governorate. Salem lives with his father, along with his mother and siblings. He is a high school student and works with his brother Haitham at a cafeteria after school to help his family cope with their difficult livelihood.

On Friday, August 5th, 2016, around 8:00 a.m., Salem left his house to travel to the city of Hodeidah, with the purpose of strolling around and visiting his aunt who lived in the commercial neighborhood. He spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with her. On Monday, August 8th, around 10:00 a.m., he asked for permission to go for a walk on the seaside corniche. However, he didn't return, causing his aunt to worry about him.

After Salem disappeared, his aunt tried calling him but his mobile phone was off. She then contacted his brother Haitham and informed him about the situation. The next day, Salem's family, including his father, mother, and uncle, traveled to Hodeidah city. They brought a photograph of him and asked around on the corniche, but no one recognized him except a juice seller with a cart.

The juice seller told them that he saw Salem on that day, sitting on a rock on the corniche in front of President Abdrabbuh Mansur's residence. Three masked armed men affiliated with the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group approached him in civilian clothing. They forcibly and violently abducted him in a military vehicle and took him to an unknown place.

The family approached the governorate's security department and filed a report about his disappearance. They were redirected to the responsible officer in the Coastal Guard forces. To ensure he hadn't encountered any harm at sea, his brother and father searched the sea aboard a boat. They also looked for him in official government offices but didn't yield any results.

Salem's family has continued searching for him since he disappeared. Seven years have passed, and still, he hasn't been found. His family remains unaware of his fate. Is he still alive or has he met an unfortunate end?